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This evidence based training applies to all player levels
Rec, High School, College and Professional

Because of the many inquiries from players, coaches and parents that are too far to experience my training in person, I have joined The Athlete Coach Network which is a professional platform that allows for remote training.
The Athlete Coach Network brings together top coaches with athletes at all levels — providing both in-depth coaching relationships and quick, on-demand feedback.
Download the app and contact me. All direct messaging (inquiries) to me through the app are free. Also available are video messaging and live one-on-one personal video training with Coach Helke.
Keith Gorman
​Former Head Coach Cumberland Co. College
2019 NJCAA DIII National Champions
2019 ABCA/ Diamond National Coach of the Year NJCAA Division III
“Baseball has really taken an odd turn with summer ball and some of the teaching techniques players are getting. It is nice to see your teachings and the articles are based on the reality of what works at the collegiate and professional level."
Dr. Charles A. Maher, PsyD, MBA, CMPC
​Sport and Performance Psychologist, Senior Director Department of Personal and Organizational Performance Cleveland Guardians Baseball Organization.
National Advisory Board Member, Positive Coaching Alliance
Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University
Coach Helke is committed to make sure that players learn to value how to play the game of baseball and how to balance it with the rest of their lives.
In all of his writings, Coach Helke manifests a consistent theme: How to make sure that players receive solid, research-based instruction about how to play baseball and, relatedly, how to cope effectively with the range of demands that they encounter, on and off the field.
Coach Helke has impressed me as being a consummate educator, who’s number one priority is the overall welfare of the players who are fortunate to receive evidence-based coaching from him.
"In my thirty-three years of working as a sport and performance psychologist in a range of professional sports and at the collegiate level, I have been involved with many managers and coaches. In this regard, Coach Helke is someone who’s clearly very knowledgeable and is devoted to the overall well-being of players and to working in collaboration with the players’ support systems."