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Basic Hitting Facts
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Initial free training available in the Baseball Education Center

CLICK HERE to see Coach Helke's experience

Introduction To The Truth On How To Be A Better Hitter

Three eBooks (one on Mental Game) and one video

It has been universally accepted that baseball players either possess the required visual and attentional skills or will learn them as a by-product of developing the appropriate mechanics. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, studies have shown that without learning the appropriate visual and attentional abilities first,  a player WILL NOT be able to fully develop consistent and sound game swing mechanics.

.pdf available upon request and approval

The Batting Tee Report

Read report first, then watch video on batting tees, soft toss/ flips
Use Green Arrows to turn pages
Video below

.pdf available upon request and approval

Video best viewed in full screen


Helping Hitters Succeed:
The Right Questions Make All the Difference

01-Cover - Helping Hitters Succeed-Questions Make the Difference.png

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Contact Coach Helke at

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